WKM Cattle & Broken C Cattle
Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Cattle
Show Cattle | Seed Stock | Freezer Beef

WKM Cattle and Broken C Cattle is a family-owned partnership raising Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus cattle in Randolph County, AR near the small town of Imboden. These operations are owned by Melinda and Warren Williams and Bubba and Katie Crouch.
Both families love of the Shorthorn breed stem from cattle purchased from long-time Shorthorn breeder Russell Sloan of Pocahontas, AR. We have dabbled in other breeds like Brangus, Angus, and family-run crossbred programs, but our main focus is Shorthorn and Shorthorn crosses.
Livestock showing is something our families love to do together, and we strive to provide juniors with cattle, help, and support.
While we love stock shows, we know that cattle must be, first and foremost, functional. So, when selling, our goal is always to provide cattle that can hold up in the pasture as well as the show ring.